We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
Hello! I am Brendan Parisot! I am a Second year missionary, and God has called me to serve at the University of Akron, Ohio along with (left to right) Thomas, Kayla and Meghan. I am so excited to answer the call, and am looking forward to going forth with you!
When I was a college student I, like many, was thirsty. I was thirsty for more; I didn’t know what. I didn’t know where to find it.
Born and raised by a strong Catholic family I had the best foundation Jesus needed to change my life. I went all through high school and community college becoming more and more thirsty for something to latch on to, something to base my identity in. I could not find something to fill a hole. I transferred to the University of Northern Iowa, and on the first Sunday before classes began, I went to mass just as my parents taught me. On my way in the door, I was interrupted by two men.
Those two men introduced themselves and invited me to something more. These men were different, they had life, they had joy, and they were not like me. They did not have the thirst I did. By the grace of God, I was challenged to grow, I was invited into authentic friendships, I was brought to a divine intimate relationship with the Father all from invitations from two interrupting FOCUS missionaries.
Before I left college, I realized two things. One, that my life was changed, my relationship with God our Father was mended and my thirst for something was filled with the love of Christ. I fell in love with my faith, with Jesus, and with the Gospel. The second thing was that I was sadly one of many young men and women on our college campuses who thirst for more. Now, I realized I had to interrupt others, invite them to quench an eternal thirst. I said yes to serve Christ our Lord and fulfill His great commission. I pray you will join me.
As a FOCUS missionaries, we bring others to know Christ and to live as he calls us. We do this by loving in authentic friendships, leading bible studies, and going on mission trips. This is how FOCUS has lead others like myself to have authentic friendships, divine intimacy with the Father, and to have clarity and conviction for the Gospel. In FOCUS we have the beautiful opportunity to fully fundraise 100% of our salary, to be 100% present and available to the students we serve on campus. In your support you will join us in mission, to bring the generation of college students of our world to live fully through virtue and love of God.
We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.
We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.