We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
As I begin my ninth year on staff, I’m excited to step into a new role as Director of Summer Projects! In this capacity I have the opportunity to support our staff and students as they prepare for an immersive and transformative experience during the summer months. After growing in faith on campus at West Point and in service to the poor during my time with the Missions department, it’s a joy to now serve in way a that creates space for our current campus staff to invest deeply. I’ve witnessed the life-changing impact that encounters in prayer, community, and formation can have on students’ lives, and I trust that the Lord will win many more souls to Himself through Summer Projects this next year!
I was blessed to be raised in a Catholic family, but for much of my life I didn’t have a true understanding of what the faith was or what it meant. During my first years of college I began to grapple with what I was called to, always asking myself “what’s the point?” In a season when none of the world’s answers seemed satisfactory, I encountered the person of Jesus Christ through the Eucharist and began to grow in relationship with Him. Since then, my world has been filled with life and adventure in a way that I never imagined possible.
It’s my hope that all of our staff and students on campus will come to know what I’m always learning anew – that they are deeply loved and that God desires for them to live a life of great joy and freedom! I firmly believe that by giving a continued yes to my role as a missionary, God will continue to transform my own heart and use our ministry to change lives across the world.
None of this would be possible without you! I ask for your prayers and that you consider joining my monthly support team. As a missionary, I fundraise my entire salary in order to be fully available to the mission entrusted to me – an endeavor that has been abundantly blessed. I have an amazing team of mission partners who have become a valuable and integrated part of this ministry through their prayer and generosity. It would be an honor to have you join me as well!
We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.
We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.