We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
“Go on your way. See I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves. Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and greet no one on the road. Whatever house you enter, first say, “Peace to this house!” And if anyone is there who shares in peace, your peace will rest on that person.”
The University of Southern Mississippi- Alumni 2024
Eagle Scout- Troop 209 Gulfport, MS
Marine Corps Veteran- 2018-2023 Corporal
I encountered FOCUS in the fall semester of my senior year 2024 because a missionary’s disciple invited me to a bible study. Before I met FOCUS, I had never witnessed young virtuous Christians in college that “practiced what they preached”. I saw a light in the students at my Catholic Student Association that I could only explain to be God’s love. I had never met young Christians in such a large quantity that possessed this zeal for Christ and I wanted what they had. By observing and interacting with FOCUS-inspired disciples and missionaries, I learned how to live my life faithfully devoted to loving Christ and allowing him to lead me. I was confirmed Catholic on March 31st 2024. Without FOCUS and the impact it has had on my campus, I would not be here and I would not be serving or loving God the way I do now. God is using this organization to expand his kingdom and touch students’ hearts across America and Europe.
When I was 14 I walked away from God and isolated myself from my Protestant (Presbyterian) family. For the next 9 years I searched for something to fill the void I created in myself from abandoning God. I didn’t know it at the time but I was searching for God… in all the wrong places. Since the age of 14 I developed a deep depression, life felt meaningless. I asked myself questions like “What am I doing here? “, and “What is the purpose of all this?”. These questions can be answered by worldly things like “living for the moment” or “seeking happiness”, but it is a miserable existence chasing temporary fulfillment, true happiness cannot be found without the Lord. The only true answer to these questions that actually brings satisfaction and fulfillment is… “I am a son of God and he created me to have a relationship with him. I live to glorify him and fulfill a purpose he created me for.” I was 23 in the spring semester of my junior year at USM when I finally realized this. My depression was healed within days of surrendering my life to Christ. Before I found the Lord, I did Greek life, I did the military, I did the partying scene, I got in trouble, and I failed many many times. But like all suffering God uses it to serve a purpose… I never knew I would be a missionary but this is the path God has led me to. With all of my past experiences and suffering, I am able to relate to every college student in one way or another. I believe God has called me to this mission because of my past and how it can reach so many struggling students. I am grateful for how much I went through because it has refined me into the sharp sword I desire to be for Christ and his mission. So many college students are struggling with answering the same questions I asked myself. They are living for temporary things and suffering constantly as they search for the truth, many will never find it. The sorrow Christ feels for his lost sheep is unimaginable. Help your children, grandchildren, niece’s, nephew’s, and friends discover the truth before it’s too late for them. The window to change someone’s life in college is small, but the effects will last a lifetime. I am a living witness to this.
Your impact on campus will be felt through the students I encounter and the impact my team and I have on campus. Mission partners are the core of the FOCUS mission, you are the launch pad that makes the mission possible in the first place. Mission goes both ways, because of the contact we will share, this is an opportunity for you to see firsthand how God is working on our college campuses and how you are contributing to that. By walking with me down this path, we will both grow in faith and trust in the Lord.
By becoming one of my mission partners, you will enter into my mission with me. You may not be physically present on campus with me, but you can be there spiritually and financially. The support you choose to give me each month will primarily go towards the students: meals, events, SEEK, mission trips, retreats, (etc…), but will also support my livelihood (rent, bills, and insurance).
We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.
We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.