What We Do
Witnessing to Christ
Our mission at FOCUS is simple: Make disciples for Christ. First, we invite people into a relationship with Jesus in the Catholic Church. Then, we accompany them along their journey. Finally, we equip them to share the Faith with others too.
Here’s how we’re doing that out in the real world.
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Campus Life
College students seek meaning and purpose at this critical point in their lives. FOCUS Catholic missionaries bring them the light of truth, and lead them on the path to a strong adult faith.

At the Parish
The FOCUS mission goes beyond the college campus. We work to win, build and send disciples in parishes and local communities too!

Our mission trips send students to serve the poor and spiritually impoverished around the world. The result: They encounter Christ’s love and mercy in a profound new way!

SEEK Conferences
You’ll get it all: Incredible speakers. Fun and fellowship. Adoration and the sacraments. See for yourself what makes a SEEK conference so special, and register to join us at the next one!

Varsity Catholic
The demands on college athletes can be tough for their spiritual growth. We give them ways to pray, be mentored and become an example of faith to others.

We serve Greek students in fraternities and sororities, helping them to build their relationship with Christ and grow as virtuous leaders on campus.

FOCUS Catholic retreats provide a space to encounter the three persons of the Trinity more deeply through prayer, sacraments, talks, and small groups.
Whether you are questioning your faith or looking to take the next step in your relationship with God, in college or in a parish, we have a retreat for you.

Summer Projects
Summer Projects gives students the opportunity to work full-time summer jobs while growing in their Catholic faith through daily formation activities and accompaniment by FOCUS missionaries. The result is a transformative summer experience that shapes how they live their lives as faithful disciples of Christ.

Supporting Our Alumni
Relationship with Christ is for everyone. Find out how we support our alumni as they transition to their lifelong communities!

Support FOCUS
Help FOCUS form Catholic leaders for the future of the Church. Please prayerfully consider supporting our mission.