Let’s seize this moment.
Don’t let your college years be ordinary. An extraordinary opportunity of faith and friendship lies before you—all you have to do is embrace it. Find out how.
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FOCUS Catholic missionaries serve at colleges all over the country! Connect with the ones at your campus and see what’s happening.
Go on a mission trip.
It’s an adventure. It’s a faith experience. And we plan the whole trip for you! Encounter Christ in new people and make incredible memories.
From the Blog
Eucharistic Adoration: Things To Do During Adoration
Welcoming 2024 and 2025’s Newest Catholic Saints
Engaging Your Faith: How to Pay Attention in Mass
Resources for you.

Become a FOCUS missionary.
Spread the joy of Christ through Catholic evangelization on campuses and parishes. The call is out there. Will you answer it? God will work in extraordinary ways!

Our deepest hungers are not for food and drink, not for amusements and recreations, not for property and wardrobes, not for notoriety and gossip. We hunger for truth, we thirst to drink beauty, we yearn to celebrate, we stretch out to love and be loved. This is why anything less than everything is not enough.
—Father Thomas Dubay

Get involved.
St. John Paul II said it best: “Life in Christ is a wonderful adventure.” Explore all the opportunities we have for Catholic college students!