Minh-Quan Alexander Nguyen

“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You” ~ Saint Augustine

Where I serve

The Lord has called me to be apart of the Bosco Project in Denver, Colorado; at the Auraria Campus! I’m tremendously grateful for this opportunity and I would love to share this journey with you!

My Story

God uses the most simple methods in order to encounter Him. With me, it started in a humble gymnasium in the University of Oxford, UK.

Despite being raised Roman Catholic, I had no desire to be apart of His Church. Upon entering James Madison University, I decided to renounce the faith, claiming it to be a mere human ideology. It was not until I had the blessing and gift to attend a 2023 Summer study abroad term in the University of Oxford.

During abroad, a question of morality suddenly appeared in my mind which weighed heavily on my heart, thus I decided to go workout one day. It was then where the Lord sent one of His beloved son’s to come and ask me, “Hey! How many sets do you have on the bench-press?”. I responded, “Oh, I just started, but you can work in with me if you want.”

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The person whom I mentioned at the Gym, Benjamin Chan!


If this exchange did not happen, I don’t think I would ever return to Jesus, nor become a FOCUS missionary.

This simple encounter embarked a journey of returning home to Christ’s church, through many arguments and discussion of the existence of God, the person and authenticity of Jesus, but most importantly, the love of Jesus that Ben graciously showed me. Because of this, I hope to do what my beloved friend has done for me, to lead souls to the way and the truth and the life of Jesus Christ.

Your Impact

With your help, prayers, and support, more souls will be able to encounter the risen Lord. College years are the prime time to decide whether or not one will continue to practice Christianity or not. We don’t want souls to be fed with the lies and false security the world offers. Rather, we must encounter and challenge souls to recognise their identity, as a beloved son and daughter of our Lord!

My phone number is (804) 839-7194 and my email is [email protected]

“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You” ~ Saint Augustine

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We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.

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We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.
