Press Releases
SEEK22 Expects 30,000+ for Live, Immersive Event
World-class speakers, fellowship, prayer and more will inspire encounters with Christ
DENVER, Oct. 18, 2021 — The desire and hunger to find one’s purpose in life, placed there by our Creator, continues to inspire souls to seek something greater, something deeper, something more. In February, SEEK21 combined the best of live conferences and virtual gatherings to bring together more than 27,000 people from 20 countries and six continents. More than 95% of attendees said that they had an encounter with Christ during the event. SEEK21 launched more regular Bible study participants into discipleship than any previous conference.
Registration is now open for SEEK22: Seek and you will find, hosted by FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). SEEK22 ( is expected to welcome more than 30,000 people Feb. 4 – 6, 2022. SEEK is the only Catholic conference of its size that presents the heart of the Gospel and modern-day missionary discipleship in a format that’s flexible, accessible and meaningful for every person.
After much prayer, counsel and prudence, FOCUS decided to offer a hybrid, immersive broadcast encouraging college students, parishioners, clergy, benefactors and others to gather in small groups. Based on the incredible impact of SEEK21, the decision to go beyond the walls of one convention center aligns perfectly with the apostolate’s mission to reach as many souls as possible. FOCUS projects that more than 100,000 people will attend a FOCUS conference in the next five years, drawing them into a deeper encounter with Christ and increased zeal for evangelization.
“SEEK changed my life,” said John Glawe, a University of Colorado Boulder December graduate and FOCUS missionary. “I had attended a Bible study on occasion but never took it seriously. After many invites from a missionary to go to SEEK, I finally relented because I had a couple of friends going. At SEEK, Jason Evert convicted me with his talk about how the Church has been ‘riddled with scandal and the one thing that is going to put out those flames is men leading good lives with love and justice.’ I realized how lukewarm I was. After I returned, I ended a horrible relationship and started attending Mass every Sunday and frequenting the sacrament in a state of grace. Through SEEK and FOCUS, I met the Lord in a very profound and real way.”
FOCUS teams serve at 205 locations, which includes 22 parish venues across the U.S. and seven international campuses. On campuses, teams will collaborate with university chaplaincies to plan engaging SEEK22 activities. At parishes, groups will work with the chaplain and parish team to invite the local community to gather in small groups. Nearly 4,000 small groups participated in SEEK21, and FOCUS expects an even greater number at SEEK22.
Designed to be experienced in community, SEEK22 discussions and activities will allow people of all ages to dive deeper into the Gospel to discover how to answer Jesus’ call to relationship and discipleship. More than a webinar or virtual conference watched alone, SEEK22 will be a fully immersive event, meant to be experienced alongside others. Participants will gather on campus, in parishes, seminaries and in living rooms with family, friends, Bible study members and others to be equipped to live as true missionary disciples in everyday life and be inspired by thousands of Catholics around the globe who are doing the same.
More than a weekend event, anyone who registers will have an all-access pass to live sacramental celebrations, prayer, sessions and everything else SEEK has to offer. After SEEK is over, registrants will be able to return to the conference content and continue to bring what they’ve experienced into everyday life. SEEK22 can be scaled up or down depending on specific needs, restrictions and local guidelines, giving each host location flexibility to meet according to state and local regulations. Participants will be encouraged to follow necessary regulations and regularly review the CDC guidance on social distancing and mask use.
“SEEK 21 helped bring an energy and a life to our parishes that had been missing for the past year, especially during this pandemic time,” said Joe Zenk, parish director for the Diocese of Green Bay. “The speakers, the invitation to missionary discipleship, the small groups and the sacraments all breathed life into places that were desperate for it. Thanks be to God!”
Well-known Catholic speakers and catechetical teachers will share their evangelization expertise. Speakers for SEEK22 include Msgr. James Shea, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, Fr. Joshua Johnson, Sr. Bethany Madonna, S.V., Fr. Michael Schmitz, Jason Evert, Curtis Martin and Dr. Edward Sri. Many additional speakers and entertainment will be announced soon.
Catholics around the world will join in an evening of prayer, begging God for an outpouring of His Spirit, healing in today’s culture and the evangelization of all nations. Attendees will rally together as a universal Church to experience Eucharistic adoration in unprecedented ways, which includes live adoration happening simultaneously across the globe.
The early-bird price is $65 for students at FOCUS campuses ( The registration price for non-students is $165 for individuals and a special group price of $565 for up to 10 individuals. Special group pricing for parishes is available as well. Every registered attendee will receive exclusive live and on-demand content, access to the SEEK22 platform to connect with speakers, meet sponsors and participate in special events. The platform will also include access to exclusive event resources and materials.
Premier Level Sponsors for SEEK22 include Divine Mercy University, the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, Exodus 90, My Saint My Hero, Relevant Radio and the University of Mary. Organizations interested in learning more about sponsorships can email [email protected].
FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) was founded in 1998 and invites college students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church, inspiring and equipping them for a lifetime of Christ-centered evangelization, discipleship and friendships in which they lead others to do the same. For the 2021 – 2022 academic year, nearly 800 FOCUS missionaries are serving at 205 locations, which includes 22 parish venues across the U.S. and seven international campuses. FOCUS alumni, now nearly 40,000 strong, are living and serving in parishes and communities across the country. By 2026, FOCUS expects to have more than 70,000 alumni. An important blessing of a fruitful partnership between the local campus ministry and FOCUS has been the pursuit of religious vocations. Since 1998, more than 1,000 people have entered the seminary or a religious house of formation after involvement with FOCUS on college campuses. FOCUS expects to nearly double that number in the next five years. FOCUS missionaries are typically recent college graduates who devote two or more years of their post-collegiate lives to reach out to peers on campus.