Press Releases
The Annual SEEK Conference, hosted by FOCUS, Has Brought Together Over 20,000 People at 3 Locations Worldwide This Week
January 3, 2025 — This week the annual SEEK conference, hosted by FOCUS, has brought together over 20,000 college students, young adults, parishioners, families, and church leaders under the theme Follow Me, from John 8:13, with events in Salt Lake City, Washington, DC, and Cologne, Germany.
SEEK 2025 By The Numbers
- A record-breaking 21,115 attendees
- Over 11,000 student attendees from campuses FOCUS serves, an increase of 36%
- 46 Bishops in attendance to share the sacraments and minister to the faithful, up from 44 last year
- Hundreds of Priests – 489 (Salt Lake City), 128 (Washington, D.C.)
- Dozens of speakers with vast audiences, including Fr. Mike Schmitz, Host of the #1 Podcast “Bible in a Year”, Fr. Mark Mary Ames, Host of the #1 Podcast “Rosary in a Year”, NYT Bestselling author Arthur Brooks, and more.
The theme of the week, “Follow Me,” is capturing the hearts of attendees participating in dynamic breakout sessions, keynote addresses each night, daily Mass, Confession, entertainment (including Forest Frank, Shayne Smith, and Jervis Campbell) and more. Notable speakers include those listed above and Sister Mary Grace, SV, Sister Josephine Garrett, CSFN, FOCUS founder Curtis Martin, Jason Evert, and so many others.
The culmination of this packed week will be Eucharistic Adoration at all three locations, where all attendees come together to worship Jesus in the Eucharist.
“Our Lord is ever-present at SEEK this year and it’s incredible that we have three simultaneously,” said Curtis Martin, founder of FOCUS. “The personal transformations happening are palpable. SEEK was founded upon a desire to bring people of faith from all walks of life together, to reinvigorate their love for Christ, and their zeal to spread the Gospel. Especially during a time where so much of the world needs the merciful love that our Church has to offer, we have hope in the future of Catholicism, and the role that SEEK will continue to play in the vibrant life of our Church.”
Tonight, FOCUS leaders also announced that SEEK will once again take place in three new locations in 2026: Columbus, Ohio; Denver, Colorado; and Fort Worth, Texas. Bishop Earl Fernandes of the Diocese of Columbus, said:
“We are pleased and excited to be able to host SEEK26! It will be a boost for our Diocese and our city,” Bishop Earl Fernandes said. “People will see that the Church is young and alive! It will be a tremendous opportunity for our young people to encounter Christ and other young people from around the country. It is another sign of the commitment of the Diocese of Columbus to college students, young adults, and their families. Together we will proclaim the joy of the Gospel!”
For more details about SEEK or FOCUS, or to schedule an interview with FOCUS leaders, please reach out to Kate Milligan at [email protected].
FOCUS is an international Catholic outreach organization, serving more than 200 college campuses and more than 20 parish communities. Through Bible Studies, mentorship, mission trips, conferences and partnerships with priests, bishops and parishes, FOCUS missionaries walk alongside students and parishioners in their journey of faith, inspiring and equipping them for a lifetime of Christ-centered evangelization and discipleship. Since FOCUS was founded in 1998, more than 1,000 people have entered the seminary or religious orders after connecting with a missionary on college campuses. More than 50,000 FOCUS alumni serve in parishes and communities across the world to continue their lifelong mission of evangelization and leading others to pursue lives of virtue and excellence. For more information about FOCUS, please visit
SEEK 2025 Sponsors
Salt Lake City, UT
Augustine Institute
Camp Wojtyla
Christ in the City
Knights of Columbus
MAX Studios
Pilgrimages by Corporate Travel
Presentation Ministries
Seton Education Partners
SPO (Saint Paul’s Outreach)
St. Thomas More Teaching Fellows
Students for Life of America
University of Mary
Relevant Radio
Benedictine College
Washington, DC
Christ in the City
Divine Mercy University
Dominican Friars Province of St. Joseph
LAMP Catholic Ministries
Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian Abbey