February 2024

Small Groups Bear Fruit in Parish Life
After leaving staff, Gabby Kromer’s first phone call in her new home city was to the archdiocese to see whether they had young adult small groups. She knew she had skills for leading such groups from her time on campus, and she wanted to help make them happen.
God’s timing was evident. The archdiocesan office for young adult ministry was just launching new small groups, and Gabby got to lead a Lenten study with women who became her closest friends.
“So many parishes need the skills that we have learned on campus as missionaries to bring forth community in those parishes,” she said. Check out her story!
Gabby Kromer served with FOCUS from 2016 to 2018 at Virginia Tech. She now lives mission through active investment in her parish community, both with young adults and the choir.

Documentary About Servant of God Michelle Duppong Showing in D.C. and St. Louis
Servant of God Michelle Duppong grew up on a rural farm in North Dakota, served as a FOCUS missionary and heroically battled cancer before her death in 2015. Today, her cause is up for canonization. This is a story worth hearing — which you can through this FOCUS-produced documentary.
The film is showing in Washington, D.C. and St. Louis at the end of February, with the expectation of further releases/opportunities this fall. Join us in these cities for an in-person viewing, and we’ll keep you updated on when it starts streaming.

Run the Lenten Gauntlet with the FOCUS Alumni Team
Featuring weekly Scripture reflections plus challenges in prayer, fasting and almsgiving, this Lenten Gauntlet is meant to stretch you. We’ll be offering up our sacrifices and sufferings on behalf of the intentions of fellow alumni and the mission of the FOCUS family. Get the emails sent to your inbox every Monday and pray with us this Lent.

Discover the Story of Salvation with Dr. Sri, Curtis Martin and the FOCUS Alumni Team
Looking for something a little deeper this Lent? Join the Alumni team as we participate in Dr. Sri and Curtis Martin’s Lenten study, “Discover the Story of Salvation.” We’ll watch the 40-minute sessions together, and then discuss.
This can be a great avenue for in-depth Scripture study within a group context! The studies are insightful and challenging, asking us to think and talk about the history of the Bible and where we fit in God’s redeeming love story.
When: Thursdays at 2:30 p.m. CT
Where: LifelongU

Conversations on Marriage, Part I: “Follow Christ”
Marriage makes us saints, and that isn’t an easy journey. Join other alumni for a conversation on how we can better practice virtue and bear suffering in our relationships by following Christ’s example and the Church’s theology of marriage.
This formation will be almost entirely discussion-based. We want to give couples time to share their experiences and be encouraged by one another. Single or engaged people are welcome too!
When: Thursday, February 29 at 8 p.m. CT
Where: LifelongU
(This is the first discussion in a three-part series. Join us March 14 for Part II: “Renounce Yourself” and April 18 for Part III: “Take Up Your Cross.”)

Want to Join the Expanding Alumni Team?
Our Alumni Relations missionaries (ARMs) are the boots-on-the-ground teammates who are actively engaging and collaborating with alumni on mission, and we’re looking to add a few more members to the team! The ARM role is remote with an emphasis on living personal apostolate in your hometown in addition to working with nearby key cities. An ARM spends a typical week calling alumni, coordinating events, offering small group formation and strategically planning mission in their cities.
We’re looking to hire ARMs for the South (Dallas preferred), West (Southern California preferred) and the North. If the Lord might be calling you to a new venture, our Director of Alumni Formation Tyler Degen would love to start a conversation with you.

Nominate the Next St. Francis Xavier Honoree
Do you know an alumnus who is living a life of missionary discipleship with great zeal? Nominate them for the 2025 St. Francis Xavier Honor! Nominations are due March 31, 2024. The honoree will be announced and celebrated at SEEK25 in Salt Lake City. Contact [email protected] with questions.

FOCUS Is Looking to Hire an Accounting Manager!
The Accounting Manager will be in charge of accurate financial reporting, budget management and team leadership. They will work to improve the financial reporting process amidst a culture of missionary discipleship at FOCUS’ headquarters in Denver. An ideal candidate has a bachelor’s degree in accounting, previous experience and a passion for sharing the Catholic faith. Check out the job description for details.

Get Ready for the Alumni Team to Come to You!
Join FOCUS Alumni missionaries in your city this winter! Details about these events will be sent directly to alumni living in the area. Moved recently? Email [email protected] with your updated address. Otherwise fill out this contact form to stay updated about future events in your area.
- February 22: Michelle Duppong Documentary, Washington D.C., [email protected]
- February 22: Alumni Gathering, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, [email protected]
- February 22-25: Dallas Meet-Ups + Gatherings, Dallas, Texas, [email protected]
- February 28: Michelle Duppong Documentary, Louis, Missouri, [email protected]
- February 28-29: Charlotte Meet-Ups, Charlotte, North Carolina, [email protected]
- March 21: Alumni Gathering, Kansas City, Kansas, [email protected]
- Ongoing (Tuesdays): Lifelong U Virtual Group, [email protected]

Pray for Us and Let Us Pray for You!
The FOCUS Alumni team wants to unite our FOCUS family in prayer for one another. Please submit any prayer requests you have here. We pray for these intentions every Monday as a team. Save the link for future re-use!
Our team’s intention this month is for the rending of hearts this Lent. We pray that the lukewarm would become fervent, that the fervent would reach perfection and that the perfect would attain heroic virtue through prayer, fasting and almsgiving in this season. Please pray with us!
About Us
Our mission is to fan the flame of lifelong mission in the hearts of our alumni in this apostolic age.
The FOCUS Alumni Relations team exists to provide you, our alumni, with inspirational content in emails and social media. We desire to build alumni communities in various cities, connect alumni with job listings, and develop resources to support the living of Catholic mission in the world.
Get Involved
What does AL+UM mean?
AL+UM (Altum) comes from “Duc in Altum”, which means to“Set out into the deep.” This call, to set out into the deep, is the call of every person seeking after Christ. You are on a different mission now than when you were on campus, yet as you cast your nets, the Lord will certainly bless you with a great catch if you continue to trust in Him.