Fruits of Your Generosity
When he began studying at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Thomas was running from his faith. He believed God was a distant, harsh judge and the Catholic Church nothing more than a bunch of arbitrary rules. Thomas was following the ways of the world and had all but given up on following God, that is, until he met a FOCUS missionary Joseph.

Joseph patiently walked with me when I was at my lowest and helped me understand that I am a beloved son of God who is made for relationship with Him. I eagerly learned more about the faith from Joseph and other missionaries, and I fell deeper in love with the Lord and the Church that He built.
—Thomas, student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Even after Thomas came home to the Church, FOCUS missionaries continued to walk alongside him, helping him grow in prayer and deepen his relationship with Jesus Christ.
Thanks to the intentional accompaniment of the missionaries at WPI and the personal friendships he built through the community, Thomas discovered something else: his desire to invite others into a relationship with Christ and His Church.
“With this love and knowledge of the faith, FOCUS equipped me to start sharing the faith with others. As a student, they helped me lead Bible studies, guide the Catholic community on my campus and walk with fellow students to lead them to our Lord—in the same way Joseph walked with me and changed my world.”
Your hope and loving care are what give Thomas — and thousands of students like him — the chance to take the gift of faith they received and share it with others.
Your Generosity Creates Lifelong Disciples
Thanks to you, fellow parishioners are building up the kingdom of God as they live out their call to discipleship.

If it weren’t for the prompting of Sarah, our local FOCUS parish missionary, we may have never taken that next step into an active service role of discipleship. … We are so grateful to have a prayerful parish missionary as God’s instrument to assist us in doing His work to build the kingdom.
—Terri & Tyler Dunstan, parishioners at St. John the Baptist Parish, Beloit, KS, a FOCUS Parish
Your generosity is sending FOCUS to parishes and equipping parishioners with the tools they need to fulfill the Great Commission!
Your Love Brings Them True Happiness
Because of your love and commitment, students like Aidan are discovering the joy and peace of dedicating their lives to Christ.
One of the biggest challenges young people face today is finding true happiness. When Aidan first met the FOCUS missionaries at San Francisco State University, one thing about them stood out to him.
“I immediately noticed how joyful they were.”
Their dedication to prayer, their service toward others, and their steady pursuit of holiness was their source of joy. Their example encouraged Aidan to go deeper in his faith, too.
“The missionaries never let me settle in my faith life. They always challenge me. How can I pray better? How can I pray more? How can I bear a stronger witness to Christ?” says Aidan. “I received a lot of encouragement.”
Aidan’s experience with the missionaries helped him answer the important questions stirring in his heart.
“Seeing young people on fire for their faith made me wonder what was holding me back from being like them. Clearly their vocation had brought them so much joy. Why couldn’t I have this too? Why couldn’t I also give my life to Christ and see the wonders He can work with it?”
That is ultimately what convinced Aidan to take a closer look at where God was calling him and to discern the next steps of his possible vocation to the priesthood.

Following the example of the FOCUS missionaries, I said yes to God’s call in my life, offering myself to Him as a seminarian applicant and, if He wills it, a priest.
—Aidan, student at San Francisco University
Thanks to you, young people like Aidan are choosing to become living witnesses of Christian joy in the world!
Continue Your Impact
There are thousands more students and parishioners who want to know Christ. Will you bring him to them?