Allison Olmedo

Hello! My name’s Alli and I’m a FOCUS missionary. 

Where I serve

The Lord has called me to serve students at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX! You’ll typically find me hanging out at St. Mary’s, meeting students around campus, or going on a hike in the outdoors of Nac. Jesus and the Blessed Mother have worked greatly throughout my life – I would love to share the transformation of my life with you!  

El Se or me ha llamado a servir los estudiantes en la Universidad de Stephen F. Austin en Nacogdoches, TX! Podr n encontrarme en el centro catolico St. Mary’s, conociendo a estudiantes en diferentes partes de la universidad, o en una caminata al aire libre en los parques de Nacogdoches. Christo y nuestra Virgencita han trabajado en mi vida de una manera enorme – me encantar a poder compartir mi historia contigo! 

These are my teammates Michael and Andy! 

Estos son mis compa eros de equipo – Michael y Andy! 

My Story

The Lord has placed a deep desire in my heart to work for His kingdom, specifically through FOCUS’ apostolate after having encountered the goodness of what life with Jesus is like. Throughout my time in undergrad, the Lord encountered me through people who walked with me as I worked towards a personal relationship with God the Father. The leaders and missionaries at my campus were able to show me the freedom that the Lord offers us through the Catholic Church. I long to bring the gospel to every student I encounter on campus, and to grow with women on campus in authentic friendships so that I may then walk hand in hand with them towards the lord. 

To be sanctified and help make saints on earth is my life’s calling – I am so excited to share more of this mission with you! 

El Se or ha puesto en mi coraz n un profundo deseo de trabajar por su reino, espec ficamente a trav s del apostolado de FOCUS (La Sociedad de Estudiantes Universitarios Cat licos), despu s de haber encontrado la bondad de lo que es la vida con Jes s. A lo largo de mi tiempo en undergrad, el Se or me llamo a trav s de personas que caminaron conmigo mientras trabajaba hacia una relaci n personal con l. Los l deres y misioneros de mi campus pudieron mostrarme la libertad que el Se or nos ofrece a trav s de la Iglesia Cat lica. Yo anhelo traer el evangelio a cada estudiante que encuentro en el campus. Quiero crecer en amistad aut ntica con las mujeres en el campus para que entonces pueda caminar mano a mano con ellas hacia el se or. 

El ser santificado y ayudar a formar a santos en la tierra es el llamado de mi vida – Estoy tan emocionada de compartir m s de esta misi n con ustedes!

Your Impact

When I answered the call to join FOCUS, I made the decision to rely on the spiritual and financial support of mission partners to help me through this mission. I’ve been blessed with the most amazing people who have journeyed with me as I serve on campus. If you are interested in partnering with me, please let me know of the best way to reach you and I will schedule an appointment. I’d be honored to share this mission with you.

Cuando respond el llamado a unirme a FOCUS, hice la decisi n de confiar en el apoyo espiritual y financiero de los patrocinadores de la misi n para ayudarme a trav s de esta misi n. He sido bendecida con las mejores personas que han estado a mi lado mientras sirvo en el campus. Si usted est interesado en asociarse conmigo, por favor d jeme saber de la mejor manera de comunicarse con usted y programar una cita. Ser a un honor compartir esta misi n con ustedes.

You can contact me at [email protected] or 346.256.6541

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Know, Love and Serve God

We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.

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Build Virtuous Friendships

By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.

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Teach Others to Share Christ

We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.

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