We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
After five years serving as an on campus missionary at University of Wisconsin-Madison and George Mason University, I made my way back home to Colorado to serve as a Regional Director (RD). I am starting my 9th year supporting team directors and missionaries as an RD on five campuses in Oklahoma and Arkansas! This year, I will also oversee another RD serving six campuses in Louisiana.
Please pray for the missionaries and campuses that I serve:
-University of Oklahoma (OK)
-Tulsa University (OK)
-Oklahoma State University (OK)
-University of Central Oklahoma (OK)
-University of Arkansas – Fayetteville (AR)
“I have told you these things that my joy might be in you and your joy would be complete.” John 15:11
During my 5 years serving as an on-campus missionary, I witnessed the reality that regardless of ethnicity, religion, or socioeconomic status, every person desires meaning and purpose in life. Yet, very few people in our world are advocating that there is meaning to be found. When I realized that we were created to be in relationship with God, I began to experience the profound joy that comes in being loved by Him and seeking to know and love Him in return. As a missionary on campus, I have had the privilege of inviting others to discover and live out their deepest identity and purpose – union with God. I am so grateful for the opportunity to provide support to several campuses and missionaries to continue inviting college students into that growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church and equipping them to do the same with others.
We not only get to invite college students to live out the Great Commission as a FOCUS missionary, but we also get to invite people like you to join in this mission to share the hope and joy that comes in Jesus alone. Through your financial and spiritual support, we can engage students at a critical time in their lives to understand in a deeper way who they are and the purpose of their lives. Please consider joining me in this mission and know of my gratitude for your generosity and prayers.
We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.
We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.