We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
My role is now 100% dedicated to promoting, recruiting, and designing for SEEK! SEEK is our yearly conference, and during my time at MIT, UConn, and as a parish missionary, it radically changed the lives of so many people I walked with.
Since my introduction to FOCUS in 2012 and my time as a missionary since 2014, I’ve personally witnessed SEEK be a constant catalyst for heart-level change. SEEK was radically life-changing for my own faith journey and continues to be the crux of many people’s stories of coming back to Christ and His Church, which is why I’m so blessed for my mission work to be oriented towards SEEK.
My wife, Julia and I have been on mission with FOCUS together since 2014. We have been able to share Jesus with all kinds of people in all different places in their faith. Before my work with SEEK, I was a missionary at MIT, Team Director at the University of Connecticut, and Church of the Magdalen in Wichita, Kansas.
We graduated college, ready for our careers, but was this it? We had dated since high school, but were confused why we couldn’t find complete fulfillment in one another. We were hanging on by a thread. We had a hole in our hearts that we had failed at filling on our own.
Julia and I were introduced to some FOCUS missionaries while she was a graduate student at the University of Connecticut. These missionaries were people who lived life unrestrained. They had a sense of peace, freedom and joy that neither of us had ever seen before. What was their secret? They knew the love and truth of a relationship with God. That year, through prayer and openness, we both had discovered a love that had been awaiting us patiently our entire lives. That love is the person of Jesus Christ. I (Mike) was received into the Church, and Julia, already a Catholic, returned to the faith with a fire in her heart.
Jesus then placed a desire within us to give our lives to Him and follow him as missionaries for His Church with FOCUS and share with the world the love we had received.
If we all discovered and lived fully the love that we were truly made for imagine the impact we could have!
As a FOCUS Missionary, my entire livelihood (and that of my family) is 100% fundraised. Just like our method of outreach, our method of supporting ourselves is modeled after Jesus’ ministry. In Luke 8 we see how Jesus and the Apostles were provided for:
[1] Afterward he journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. Accompanying him were the Twelve [2] and some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, [3] Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, Susanna, and many others who provided for them out of their resources.
As those who followed Jesus, we invite people like you to journey with us through monthly financial support. Monthly support allows for a stable base so that we can spend most of our time on what matters most. Your role is vital to the mission, because otherwise, we couldn’t give of ourselves to the mission in this capacity, and souls would not be reached.
Current Needs
We are still in need of more monthly supporters! Over the past year in particular, several of those who have supported us in the past have had to discontinue support for personal reasons—perhaps God wants to reach more people like you with the hope of the mission of FOCUS. If you are interested in coming alongside us with your monthly financial support, please reach out. We’d be honored to be on mission with you.
We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.
We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.