Jake Leathers

Where I serve

This will be my fifth year serving with FOCUS. In my fifth year, I will be continuing to serve with the Finance and Accounting Team at the Denver Support Center in Colorado. I studied both Accounting and Finance in my time at Benedictine College. After serving for two years as a on campus missionary at Mount St. Mary’s University, I am beyond excited to further grow the reach of this Apostolate with my continued work as an Accountant.

My Story

 I was blessed to have parents who formed me with such a strong belief in Jesus Christ. In college I was met by the many temptations and traps that the world and the devil have to offer to a young man experiencing his first time away from home. But, thanks be to God, Jesus was also there to meet me! In my wandering from the faith that I was so blessed to grow up with, Jesus encountered me in a brand new way and reminded me of who I am and showed me the mission that I have within His plan for salvation. 

FOCUS played a huge part in this encounter. I joined a FOCUS bible study my sophomore year and was invited to one of FOCUS’s annual national conferences, SEEK. It was here that I was removed from the distractions of the world and was able, for the very first time, to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist. This powerful experience launched me into what turned out to be a three-year conversion. I entered the Catholic Church on April 23, 2017. 

This new hope and love that I had for Jesus Christ and His mission lead me to join FOCUS as a missionary and to serve on campus for two years. At the end of my two years on campus I got married to Monica and moved back to Denver. Monica and I have decided to continue in mission with FOCUS as I began a new role as an Accountant on the Accounting and Finance team. 

 My life has been transformed by Jesus and I want nothing more than to bring this joy to others and introduce them to the life-changing message of the Gospel. Both Monica and I see this position I hold with FOCUS to be a unique and vital part of fulfilling that desire. We cannot wait to see what Christ has in store for us as we begin our new life in Denver and on mission, united in Christ.  

Your Impact

When I answered the call to join FOCUS, I wanted to invited others to join on this mission with me through spiritual and financial support. I’ve been blessed with the most amazing people who have journeyed with me as I serve in this mission. If you are interested in partnering with me, please let me know of the best way to reach you and I will schedule an appointment. I’d be honored to share this mission with you.

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We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.

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By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.

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Teach Others to Share Christ

We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.

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