Jane Boessen

Great occasions for serving God come seldom, but little ones surround us daily!

> St. Francis De Sales <

Where I serve

Oh happy day! It is so good that you are here! My name is Jane Boessen, and I will be serving as a Varsity Catholic Missionary at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. My cup is overflowing with great joy as I will get the gracious opportunity to serve alongside 7 other teammates. Go BUCKS!

As a former collegiate athlete I am forever grateful to use both my relationship with Jesus and my experience as a college athlete to advance the kingdom! St. Sebastian, pray for us!

IMG 9212

My Story

I was born and raised Catholic by my 2 wonderful and loving parents. I practiced my faith all throughout high school by attending mass on Sundays, being a part of the youth group at my church and took on a leadership role with FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). As I journeyed throughout my college years, I became distracted by many worldly desires. While I continued to attend mass and be a part of an FCA bible study, my relationship with the Lord felt very distant.

My junior year of college the Lord was so tender to transform my heart. A common theme in prayer for me that year was “Apart from you Jesus, I can do nothing — With you Jesus, I can do all things.” I continued to pray that prayer in the chapel but failed to live it freely outside of the chapel. Jesus was so steadfast in showing his abundant mercy to me, as I slowly began to make some hard decisions that ultimately resulted in a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ himself. As I entered into my senior year of college, the Lord continued to call me higher. He heard my cry for a group of women to do life with and graciously answered that prayer by placing six beautiful gals in my life who continuously pointed me back to the cross! These women saw the good in me and loved me like Jesus! Through their authentic friendship and personal investment, I was able to encounter Jesus Christ and live in relationship with him.

To this day, the Lord continues to seek me out and call me higher. How beautiful and merciful Jesus was in humbling himself to meet us on our level, take on our humanity, and spend his time intentionally loving all those whom he encountered. My heart is overjoyed with this opportunity to share that same authentic friendship with college students at The Ohio State University.IMG 1997

^ an answered prayer ^

His will be done! To him be the glory! 

Your Impact

My call to mission relies on two things, trusting fully in the Lord and the generous support of others. Your support, financially and spiritually, is essential for my success on campus. I am so excited to share the fruits of this apostolate with you and bring you on this mission with me. If you are interested in supporting me or would like to know more about what I will be doing on campus, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

What a joy it would be to share in mission together! Hugs and Prayers! 

636-345-2120 // [email protected]

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