Jency Clement

“May my life be a continual prayer, a long act of love.” – St. Elizabeth of the Trinity


Where I serve

I’m blessed to be a second-year missionary at UC Berkeley!

My Story

I think most of my life has been marked by a deep ache for something truly meaningful. At the beginning of college, I went deep into my faith praying every day while also experiencing some of the deepest loneliness and emptiness I had ever known. Nevertheless, I kept praying and began to grow deeper in relationship with Jesus. To pursue a degree in Human Centered Design & Engineering, I chose to transfer to the University of Washington, back in Seattle. There, the roots I had begun developing in prayer grew even deeper and I began seeing some fruits of my prayer. I joined a vibrant faith community and met a Clare, a FOCUS missionary, who challenged me to grow in my faith and help others do the same. Through her witness, I learned that as a Catholic, I was called to an abundant life that was firmly grounded in Jesus and his Church

I attended Seek ‘23, where I received a book on St. Elizabeth of the Trinity. She was a nun who always, always wanted to do the will of God and had a profound peace in the midst of the seasons of both joys and sufferings in her life, all because she trusted that what she was experiencing was the will of God, and she was totally at peace of that. As someone who is prone to worrying and has a tendency to be deeply impacted by my external circumstances, I found myself inspired by her gentle yet profound perspective. After discerning the call to be a Focus missionary, I am trying to pursue the will of God in ministry and in my life in general. I’m realizing that I want my life to be simply for God with everything I do—big or small—pointing back to Him.

Your Impact

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I’m so blessed to have a team praying for me and financially supporting this mission–if you’d like to chat about how we could work together to bring Jesus to UC Berkeley; I’d love to speak with you! Please reach out to me at [email protected].Your prayers and financial support are an essential part of this mission, and I’d be grateful to meet with you.

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FOCUS Find A Missionary Know Love Serve God Monstrance

Know, Love and Serve God

We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Build Virtuous Friendships Together

Build Virtuous Friendships

By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Teach Others Share Christ Smiling

Teach Others to Share Christ

We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.

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