Jeremy Cassidy

The Cassidy’s

I am Jeremy, a Sr. Regional Director of Evangelization in the Lifelong Mission Department. And Diana is an alum of FOCUS.

My new position in the new Lifelong Mission Department of FOCUS is exciting and cutting edge. We are responding to a tremendous call in the Church as a whole to expand the Baptismal call of missionary discipleship to parishes and Diocese. And I specifically have been doing this through accompanying priests to invest in the parishes as missionary disciples.

Where I serve

God has called Diana and I and the family on a tremendous journey thus far.  From Montana to New Mexico & Kansas; then to Colorado, then South Dakota, back to Colorado and now Washington.  We currently live and server in Spokane, Washington specifically for the Diocese of Spokane in conjunction with FOCUS.  I serve in Diocese of Spokane spearheading a new parish outreach grounded in the Making Missionary Discipleship model, specifially working with priests and seminarians! As well as parishioners at the parishes these priests serve! In the last year I have been invited into a Senior Director role in which I am helping FOCUS Lifelong Mission expand the Regional Director of Evangelization Role to Denver and other locations.  I have also been asked to help oversee our special project division that is currently exploring mission in Catholic Schools and Hospitals.

My Story

In the Fall of 2000 the Lord stepped into intercept my life from the path I was headed down.  He did this through a FOCUS missionary.  After 3 years of formation and grace I, as well as my now wife Diana, felt called to join the mission of the Catholic Church through the ministry FOCUS was doing.  I served 2 years at Benedictine College in Atchison, KS, and Diana served 2 years at University of New Mexico, Highlands.  We then were married and I discerned to leave FOCUS staff, while Diana continued working for FOCUS at Benedictine for two more years, and then eventually on the Events team in Denver.  I taught middle school in Atchison, and then in South Denver at St. Mary’s Littleton and attended the Augustine Institute in hopes to become a Catholic School Principle.

The Lord then again intercepted us from the path we believed we should be on.  In the Spring of 2011, while expecting our 3rd child, the Lord clearly called me back to the ministry of FOCUS after serving in the Parish realm for three years.  I was asked to be the Team Director at the Univ. of South Dakota, which I served as for the next 3 years.  Then in 2014 I was promoted to regional leadership where I served the West Region helping to lead Franciscan Univ. of Steubenville, Carnegie Melon, Univ. of Northern Arizona, Univ. of Northern Colorado, and Colorado School of Mines.  During this time I was asked by FOCUS to help expand our ministries the Great Pacific Northwest.

In 2015, we began serving our first two campuses in the PNW at Eastern Washington Univ. and Western Washington Univ.  In the summer of 2016, Diana and I felt called to return to the Northwest to serve the campuses closer for various reasons, and in the Fall of 2016 we added 5 more missionary teams to the PNW, and now have served 11 total campuses in the region; EWU, WWU, Univ. of Washington, Washington St. Univ., Univ. of Oregon, Univ. of Idaho, Boise St. Univ., Idaho St. Univ., Univ. of Utah, and now Carroll College in Montana, and the Univ. of Montana.

During this time the tremendous fruit of the missionary teams have spilled into the lives of the Diocese and all 5 diocese have turned to us for consultation and guidance.  But more specifically the Diocese of Spokane has invited us to spearhead an initiative that is assisting Pastors in living and implementing the Making Missionary Discipleship model in their parishes. We are currently working with three Pastors and the Office of Vocations in spreading the Gospel message through discipleship in these areas.


Your Impact

My journey through discipleship has proven to me that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is an active living movement of the Holy Spirit that desires for all souls, equally and uniquely created, to know, love and serve him and His Church.  I believe fully, and have witnesses fervently, to the Model of Discipleship to be the vehicle in which the Lord desires to know his people and love them fully.  I have been blessed and humbled to effectively lead hundreds of people of all ages to deeper fully lives in Jesus Christ!!  Praise God.  Please Pray for us!!

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Teach Others to Share Christ

We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.

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