Jimmy and Erica Harrison

Hey! My name’s Jimmy and my bride is Erica. I’m a FOCUS missionary.

Where We serve

I have the honor of serving FOCUS as the Director of European Operations and overseeing the work of two European campuses: Passau and Krems/Sankt Pölten. I live with my wife, Erica, and our two little girls, here in a beautiful city called Passau located in Bavaria, Germany. It is an adventure living abroad and serving the Lord in this great Country! You could find me here in Passau at the local farmers market, on walks by the river, in one of the dozens of churches, playing board games and cards, or grilling. The Lord has worked in amazing ways to bring me here and I am humbled by the way He chooses to use me as a vessel for His Mercy. I am grateful to serve incredible team directors and missionaries in Europe. To get me here, God worked overtime to change my life and I would love to share that story with you!

Our Story

When I got to college at Santa Clara University, I faced a crisis. I had two choices. Abandon the faith my parents passed onto me, or embrace it fully. I like to be all in or all out. After reading “Mere Christianity” by the great C.S Lewis, I believed that God was real. I still wasn’t sure if my parents’ Catholic faith was something that I wanted. I didn’t want to be lukewarm when it came to faith; I wanted to be all in, or all out. Out of deep respect and admiration for my parents’ faith and character, I decided to give the Catholic Church a chance. Thank the Lord that I did, because the Church captivated me with her truth, her beauty, and her goodness. After becoming enamored with Jesus’ Church, it only made sense that I would fall in love with Jesus. With the help of some amazing examples in my life like Fr. Manh Tran S.J from Santa Clara University and Luke Hellwig from FOCUS, I learned to pray with Jesus and I actually developed a relationship with God. I am in love with the Lord, and I want to share His love with college students who face a hugely pivotal moment in their lives where so many new habits and beliefs are formed. I want to invite people to know Jesus Christ in a real, personal way. It still amazes me that He wants such an intimate relationship with every single person, including you and me!

After two years with FOCUS in California, I moved to Germany as a missionary and served there for 4 years, three of those as the team director. On June 20th of Corona Year, I married my bride, Erica. In 2022, I transitioned to life as a regional director and in 2023 was asked to serve in this operational role, working to enable our great missionaries to thrive in their work. It is a joy and an honor to serve here with my family. I am amazed by the ways God draws us into His own mission, out of pure Love for us.


Your Impact

I mentioned the relationship that the Lord has drawn me into with himself. My hope for you, the reader, is that you would know this God who loves you, too, and move ever more deeply into God’s Heart and then turn and offer that same gift to others. In joining FOCUS, I desire to reach people, join them in life and build authentic relationships with them, and ultimately point them to Jesus Christ. I will also teach people to go and do the same so that we can reach the world for Jesus Christ. This way, God can have that relationship He so deeply longs for with each one of the people we impact. Please join me in the pursuit of souls for Jesus! I was called to join FOCUS when I searched my heart in Anchorage, Alaska, and found zeal for the souls of my fellow students. I want Christ to lead me into His mission, wherever I go. Your prayers and support will make this mission possible. You will help make it possible to reach more and more students across Europe at such an important time in their lives. Together, we can satiate the thirst that God has for each one of our hearts to be close to His. Thank you in advance, your support does not go unnoticed!

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FOCUS brings the joy of the Gospel to colleges and parishes across the United States (and beyond)!
FOCUS Find A Missionary Know Love Serve God Monstrance

Know, Love and Serve God

We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Build Virtuous Friendships Together

Build Virtuous Friendships

By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Teach Others Share Christ Smiling

Teach Others to Share Christ

We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.

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