Kate Busby

Greetings! My name is Kate and I am a fourth year FOCUS missionary serving missionaries nationally from the Denver Support Center in the Staff Care department.

Where I serve

20240704 155803 E1B8F6After serving two years at the University of Connecticut and one year at West Chester University, I have discerned a call to serve our missionaries and FOCUS Staff with our Staff Care team within HR. I work remotely full-time from the Boston area as I prepare to enter into the sacrament of marriage this November.

The ‘Employee Relations’ team within staff care serves over 1,000 missionaries offering world class investment in its people by providing care, counsel, and resources to help staff flourish as individuals and in their roles. We play a behind the scenes role in the apostolate navigating challenging situations such as accompanying missionaries through grief, mental health struggles, team dynamic challenges, human/professional formation and much more to foster integrated, mature and thriving missionaries.


My Story

4823B8AC 6842 4F1B 9D56 5A7EB2DCE1E7As a missionary, my greatest desire is to lead all people to Christ because He has transformed my life from the inside out and I know He wants to do that for others. I want nothing more than others to experience this person of Love because it is what we are made for. The Lord has done this over the past three years through my sharing and living out the life-changing message of the Gospel. From leading bible studies, embracing the sacraments, sharing meals, praying with others, and pretty much doing anything with students, Jesus has brought people back to life. This is not a dreadful or sorrowful sacrifice that I am grinning and bearing because “it’s a good thing to do” or because “you should as a Christian” but a life-giving and joy filled fiat (yes) that I embrace freely and with great zeal. I am passionate about the vision of FOCUS as it has changed my faith and ultimately my eternal life so I am humbled to serve as a missionary with this catholic and bold organization.

FOCUS is an organization committed to making lifelong disciples for Christ and building the kingdom of God, all supported by the generosity of others. Without my many prayerful and financial mission partners, it would be logistically impossible for me to say yes to this call, and Jesus knows this! If you are interested in being a prayerful or financial partner on this mission, please contact me by phone or email to learn more.

Your Impact

When I answered the call to join FOCUS, I made the decision to rely on the spiritual and financial support of mission partners to help me through this mission. I am excited to continue to build upon a small team of monthly supporters who desire to be apart of this mission but cannot themselves go. If you are interested in partnering with me, please let me know of the best way to reach you and I will schedule an appointment. I’d be honored to share this mission with you. I trust that the Lord has called me into this battlefield and that He will provide for my every need through others.



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FOCUS brings the joy of the Gospel to colleges and parishes across the United States (and beyond)!
FOCUS Find A Missionary Know Love Serve God Monstrance

Know, Love and Serve God

We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Build Virtuous Friendships Together

Build Virtuous Friendships

By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Teach Others Share Christ Smiling

Teach Others to Share Christ

We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.

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