We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
After three years on campus at Michigan Tech, I have moved remote to serve the Lifelong Mission department as an Alumni Marketing Specialist! I work with program alumni and parishes nationwide to help continue the efforts of the New Evangelization in families, churches and workplaces. My team produces a weekly encouragement email, offers monthly digital classes and hosts seasonal events to support disciples at every stage of their missionary journey. I’m humbled to be in the background facilitating continued encounters with Christ and His Church as we strategically communicate the Gospel.
The 2023-2024 Alumni Team
BR: Dr. Edward Sri, Emily, Sam, Tyler, James, Anthony, Steph
FR: Abby, Courtney, Andrea, me, Chrisy
Check out my most recent newsletters:
Summer 2023
September 2023
October 2023
November 2023
December 2023 (Christmas)
I’ve always been a nerd, and it was because I was attracted to the intellectual teachings of the Church that I got involved in a bible study at my college’s Newman center. While I was curious about the faith, I was more interested in being successful in the eyes of the world, both professionally and personally. Professionally, it meant being a great journalist. Personally, it meant pursuing a romantic relationship.
I spent hours praying about these two things over the first few months of my sophomore year. While sitting in the chapel one day, wrestling with Jesus over His will, I felt Him whisper these words over me: “You ravish my heart, my sister, my bride, you ravish my heart with a glance of your eyes.” (Song 4:8) In that instant, what I’d always known in my head I now knew intimately in my heart God loves me and desires to know me simply because I am His beloved daughter. I’d thought I needed to pray about human love and acceptance, but it was my eternal Father’s love and acceptance that overwhelmed me instead.
It took a year of prayer and mentoring by a FOCUS missionary before I became convinced that there was something more to this great love I felt, that the life-transforming news of Jesus Christ demands a response. Since I know His love, I am compelled to share it with all I meet. It is for this reason we were created, whether our mission field is overseas, the college campus or our own families.
It’s been my joy to serve three years on campus, going deeper into the heart of who God created me to be: a human being, not a human doing, and His very beloved daughter. That first call to mission—that we cannot keep the truth of the Gospel to ourselves—is now lived humbly in my tiny hometown in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Alongside my husband Cody, we’re figuring out how to model Jesus’ method in our parish and community. Praise God He keeps inviting me to new adventures! The journey of a disciple is never boring, that’s for sure.
One of the things I love about being a missionary is partnering with others to bring the Gospel to new souls. I’ve said yes to fundraising 100% of my salary so that I can be radically available to the people that have been entrusted to me. Friends, family and strangers are being asked to join my spiritual and financial support team, so that they too can receive the grace of Jesus as we build His kingdom together. When Mary of Bethany anoints the feet of Jesus with expensive perfume in John 12, He does not rebuke her for wasting her financial resources. Instead, He affirms her for the contribution to His ministry of saving souls. I would be honored to have you join me on that same mission. Feel free to reach out so we can set up a time to chat: [email protected].
God bless!
We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.
We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.