Maura Arellano

Hello! My name’s Maura. I’m a FOCUS missionary at the Denver Support Center. My husband Isaac and I would love to be on mission with you!

Where I serve

In July 2015 I moved to Denver, Colorado to continue serving the apostolate of FOCUS at the main office (Denver Support Center). That move followed two wonderful years as a campus missionary at the University of Rhode Island.  

My current team – Quality, Growth, and Innovation – helps to empower missionary disciples to fulfill the Great Commission by evaluating program quality, motivating continuous improvement, and making insights accessible to leaders. 

As the Sr. Manager of Quality, I spend most of my time and energy collecting data (through surveys, qualitative interviewing, etc.) to help FOCUS leadership identify the bright spots or areas of concern through the stories of the data we collect. I look for ways that FOCUS can continue to get better at reaching souls on campus to see a greater number of people coming to know the love of God in a life-changing way.

My Story

“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”                                                                                                         –Saint Teresa of Calcutta

I encountered the person of Jesus Christ and His love for me in a life-changing way during my freshman year of college at the 2010 FOCUS Conference – Made for More. In an overwhelming moment of recognizing Jesus’ divinity and deep love for me, I surrendered to Him as the Lord of my life. I told Him that I wanted to give Him my whole life. From there began a great adventure. 

By my senior year, I was convicted of a first-world poverty that needs to be addressed. St. Teresa of Calcutta called the “hunger for love.” I saw an emptiness in life without Him and experienced the ache of Jesus heart as His love was unknown, misunderstood, and rejected.  Jesus fulfilled my desire to console His ache in my call to be a missionary.

On this journey, I’ve seen lives change and mountains move. I ve seen young people reconcile fractured family relationships, return to the Sacraments, find hope in despair, start evangelizing their peers, and even enter a convent when they allowed Christ into the messy parts of their lives. God is truly blessing the work of FOCUS in countless lives, and it is an honor to continue supporting this work behind the scenes to make FOCUS missionaries even more effective in their work to reach students on campus.

Your Impact

Perhaps in your own journey, you’re pondering how the Lord is calling you to follow Him and surrender just a little more. You may ask, “God, you’ve been so generous with me – what could I possibly do for you?”

When I answered the call to be a FOCUS missionary, I entrusted myself to God’s providence through the spiritual and financial support of mission partners who metaphorically “walk with me” in mission. I’ve been blessed with amazing people who have made it possible for me to give my “yes” to Jesus through their own “yes” to faithful support.  

God is never outdone in generosity. In our relationship with Him, He’s constantly giving to us and from what we receive, we give back to Him. This is a paradox appearing in three of the Gospels that I’ve learned as a missionary: that whatever we hold onto we will lose, and whatever we lose for His sake we will save. His call for us to be generous with Him isn’t comfortable, but He is faithful and returns our generosity a thousandfold!

We give through our time, talent, and treasure for the building up of His kingdom. Tithing is a part of the history of the Church appearing in many places in Scripture. Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek. The tribes of Israel provided for those devoted to the priestly ministry. Many disciples provided for Jesus and the apostles. Paul affirmed the Corinthians in their generous support. This is a part of our heritage as Christians. Now I ask you to consider, how are you being invited to support those devoting themselves to the ministry of God?

It would be an honor to share this mission with you! If you are interested in being a part of my team of supporters, let me know how I can best reach you.


If you feel called to give, please consider joining my monthly support team or making a special gift with the “Support Maura” link above (under my picture). You can log in to “myFOCUS” using the hamburger button on to change your giving information at any time.

If you have any questions, prayer intentions, or thoughts about FOCUS, please contact me at [email protected] or (443) 866-4030.

May God bless you today and always.

NOTE: The regularity of the gifts greatly assists in budgeting and sustaining me in my work. FOCUS is a 501(c)3 and all donations are tax-deductible and can be used towards your 10% tithe. 

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FOCUS brings the joy of the Gospel to colleges and parishes across the United States (and beyond)!
FOCUS Find A Missionary Know Love Serve God Monstrance

Know, Love and Serve God

We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.

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Build Virtuous Friendships

By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.

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Teach Others to Share Christ

We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.

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