We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship”
– St. Thomas Aquinas
I serve at the University of Mary in beautiful Bismarck, North Dakota! God has called me in a miraculous way to serve at this University, where I will encounter young and brilliant Catholic minds and grow in virtue and knowledge.
My team
A rash decision, a broken ankle, and a broken heart.
My semester-long European adventure took a turn for the worse when I crashed a Vespa while riding through the Amalfi coast. After a hellish trip back to where I was staying and a day of doctor appointments before my Italian surgery, I received a call from my girlfriend telling me that she was breaking up with me.
I decided this was either the worst or the best thing that had ever happened to me. God finally called my bluff, and it was my turn to respond.
Praise be to God that I had my dear friend, Mark (a FOCUS missionary at CU Boulder), who loved me enough to walk me through the huge mess I found myself in. I somehow found God in that terrible Italian hotel room and returned to the States with a heart newly set on fire for our Lord. I finally agreed to lead a Bible study, and God did the rest.
I found myself being inserted directly into the men’s lives I was serving that year, pouring out the same love I had received. Now, I get to be there the same way, full-time.
Some of the men in our Bible Study at the University of Colorado Boulder
“Some people give by going, others go by giving. Without both, there are no missions.”
– Pope St. John Paul II
You are why I can serve the men I encounter on mission! I have placed my total trust in God to provide my just wage, and people like you are answering that prayer! It truly goes deeper than a financial gift. We are entering into mission together, answering Jesus’s call to be missionaries. It is a massive honor and privilege to enter this mission with you. Please call or text me at (815) 382-7337 if you feel God is asking you to join me!
We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.
We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.