We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
God has called me to serve college students, young-adult men, and even my fellow missionaries. In service of the broader apostolate of FOCUS, I work with a great team to facilitate many of the incredible opportunities that students and missionaries have to go radically deeper in their faith journey; some of these include our national conference “SEEK”, mission trips, spiritual retreats, and more. Additionally, I am very blessed to personally invest in a number of men eagerly pursuing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church and I would love to share with you the many ways He is working here in Nashville, TN!
I grew up Catholic in Nashville, TN and attended the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. It was in college that God radically encountered me in tremendous ways through my now wife Emily and two FOCUS missionaries named Jake and Dominic. It was through their model that I came to more fully understand what it means to make Christ the center of my life and as Emily and I prepared to graduate and get married, we discerned God’s call to generously give to others everything that had been given to us. We are very happy to be a part of FOCUS and to be sharing Christ with those we serve not only through our vocation as married people, but also as parents to our five children Samuel, John, Joseph, Francis, and Marianna.
During my senior year at UTK, after all the work God had done in my life through the influence of FOCUS, I no longer had an immediate desire to begin working in the field of supply chain and logistics, however I completed my degree in this course of study. Instead I felt God calling me to live a radical life for Him by being a missionary, so I decided to turn away from job seeking and explore that call. After interviewing with FOCUS, I accepted a position and decided to work to address the spiritual poverty in America that we all know exists in large quantities. Along with being a missionary comes relying on God and others to support the mission prayerfully, and financially. Support raising is not a way for someone to give me money and run, but an invitation to come on mission and to invest in the future of our young people who are coming of age in the midst of a culture that is so hostile to the spiritual life. I invite you to join me through your prayers and financial support to enter into the mission, and take a stand for Jesus Christ and His Church. “Some give by going, others go by giving.” – St. Teresa of Kolkata.
We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.
We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.