Robert and Mary Weger

Where We serve

We are serving the students and community of the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville. We’re happy to be working with an amazing team of missionaries to do this work.

Our Story

My name is Robert. I grew up in a faithful family and went to Catholic school. I always believed in Christ and the teachings of the Church, but I was missing the intimate relationship that God truly wants with every one of us. As a result, my faith was never the most important thing in my life.  

Whatever faith I had going to the University of Iowa was quickly under attack by secular academics, and the simple temptations of the college campus. This is where the Holy Spirit brought me to a point of decision; if I really believe in Christ and the Church, then my life must look like it.  

It was here where my then girlfriend, Mary, and FOCUS missionaries were an integral part of my conversion. Both sought virtuous friendship with me, and invited me to an intimate relationship with Christ, while modelling the life of faith themselves. Now, because of my intimacy with Christ, I’ve been re-created, and I’ve been sent on mission with Mary to share our joy with others. Together, our marriage will witness to the love God has for everyone of you.

Your Impact

This mission is only possible because of the prayer and financial support of mission partners. An investment in our mission gives us freedom to devote ourselves entirely to the work of making Christ known. Our Lord tells us where your treasure is, your heart is also (Matt 6:21), and we know the prayer of the righteous is very powerful (James 5:16). Mary and I are honored to bring your heart on mission through your support.  

Find other missionaries

FOCUS brings the joy of the Gospel to colleges and parishes across the United States (and beyond)!
FOCUS Find A Missionary Know Love Serve God Monstrance

Know, Love and Serve God

We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Build Virtuous Friendships Together

Build Virtuous Friendships

By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Teach Others Share Christ Smiling

Teach Others to Share Christ

We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.

Just announced: SEEK26! Join us next year in Columbus, Fort Worth, and Denver. Learn More
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