We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
Hey My name’s Ryker Martin
“The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for GREATNESS!” -Pope Benedict XVl
“Greater love has no man then this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
The Lord has called be to start mission while also finishing my senior year of college, this means I will be serving my first year on mission at my alma mater, Colorado State University. It is such a blessing and honor to serve and give back to the place that formed me so well to be where I am at today in my relationship with Jesus Christ. I can’t wait to see what the Lord will do with this year with the great community I am serving and the amazing team I will get to serve with.
Looking back it is easy to see how much the Lord was preparing me to serve him as a missionary. I grew up in a military family and lived in different countries such as Turkey and Australia before settling in Littleton, Colorado. I was raised in a non-denominational family and really fell away from my faith in high school. I eventually was pursued by a good friend of mine who was catholic and was profoundly changed by the teachings and lives of these guys I was being invited to hangout with. I converted to Catholicism my Senior year of high school at St. Frances Cabrini Parish. It was then that I realized how powerful authentic friendship and intentional pursuit can change someones life and bring them to truly know Jesus Christ. I carried this into my years at CSU and became so invested in the community through leading bible studies, mission trips, SEEK Conferences, and amazing relationships. My heart had realized how the love of Jesus Christ and the friendship that comes with that is freely given so I MUST freely give it. This lead to me becoming a FOCUS Missionary and I am filled with a fire to proclaim the gospel and lead as many students as I can to Christ. Lets be Saints!
We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.
By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.
We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.