Victoria Green

I’m Tori!  I’m a FOCUS missionary serving our National Events Team planning and implementing countless opportunities for encounters with Christ each year!

“The nation doesn’t simply need what we have. It needs what we are.”  St. Edith Stein

Where I serve

After a serving a few years on various campuses, the Lord has called me into a deeper service of the mission of FOCUS on our national team.  I am beyond honored to share this role with you as I learn more and more each day what Christ calls us to as servant leaders! As I begin year 9 with FOCUS, I’ve been asked to step up as Director of Conference. I am excited to share this journey with you!

We see it time and time again, that any time spent away from the noise of our daily lives allows us to better tune into what the Lord is doing in our hearts.  Through FOCUS’ events thousands have come to encounter Christ in a deeper way and are being sent back to their campuses on fire with the Love of God and the ability to share Him with those they encounter each day.

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We help facilitate encounters with Christ through planning our national conferences, New Staff Training and many other events throughout the year.   This past January, our team hosted SEEK23, where over 15,000 gathered in St. Louis, MO to encounter the heart of the Gospel.



What’s Coming Up:

SEEK24 Applegate 534Follow Me. Our team, along so many others, are excited and preparing for SEEK25. By God’s grace our event has grown to now needing two locations!  This year SEEK25 will be in both Salt Lake City and Washington, DC.  It is our hope that people will be inspired and equipped to speak the Truth with conviction and receive the encouragement and training needed to become the missionary disciple we are all made to be.


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I hope you’ll consider joining us for SEEK25!  We are building out our track for non-student attendees so you too can have an opportunity to encounter Christ! (And see what all this stuff I keep telling you is really about!)



Your Impact

As a missionary, my greatest desire is to lead all students to Christ. In college, my life was transformed when I was introduces to a personal relationship with Jesus. In His humanity,  Jesus humbled Himself to meet me on my level. He loved me where I was at, but also helped me realize I was made for more than the world was telling me.  The Lord knew I needed support in the journey and surrounded me with a group of women (in Bible study) who were also realizing their identity in Christ, striving to serve Him fully, and who desired to authentically share their journeys with each other.   These women have become my best friends because they constantly point me back to Jesus.  Through these women, and many other souls I encountered on campus and abroad, the Lord revealed His plan for me to cooperate in overcoming the spiritual building up His kingdom on earth.  I am extremely passionate about helping women recognize their dignity and femininity in the eyes of the Lord, and am honored to do so by following Jesus’ own example of investing deeply in a few and sending them out to do the same.


Find other missionaries

FOCUS brings the joy of the Gospel to colleges and parishes across the United States (and beyond)!
FOCUS Find A Missionary Know Love Serve God Monstrance

Know, Love and Serve God

We encounter God in an intimate relationship through daily prayer, the sacraments and the Scriptures.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Build Virtuous Friendships Together

Build Virtuous Friendships

By building genuine friendships, we meet students on a deeper level.

FOCUS Find A Missionary Teach Others Share Christ Smiling

Teach Others to Share Christ

We teach students how to share the gospel, who in turn teach other students how to pass it on.

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