On Mission
June 2023
Ready to lead your diocese deeper into mission?
Christ calls every Catholic to the mission of evangelization.
What if you could be equipped to go deeper in mission?
Since 2015, FOCUS Parish has empowered thousands of parishioners and priests from every walk of life to live their call to mission through workshops, the Making Missionary Disciples track at FOCUS’ SEEK conference, digital accompaniment and full-time parish/diocesan missionaries. Clergy and lay persons alike are encountering Christ, growing in the key habits of Christian discipleship and being commissioned as living witnesses to share the Gospel with others.
Visit focus.org/parish to learn more.
The FOCUS Alumni team exists to support missionary disciples in your diocese and around the world. They can help you live a vibrant life of faith and mission through continued formation, personal investment, local events, and more.
Visit focus.org/alumni to learn more.
We invite you to join us on mission in your home diocese!

FOCUS in the Parish
- 14 missionaries serving 22 parishes and dioceses
- 510 parishioners growing as disciples of Christ