The key to your prayer life is in the most important teaching on prayer ever recorded, taught by Jesus Himself: the “Our Father.” You likely already know it and have said it countless times, but its significance might surprise you. This prayer isn’t just words to recite; it’s a guide to a deeper prayer life.
When the apostles asked Jesus how to pray, He gave them the “Our Father” (Luke 11:1-5).
St. Thomas Aquinas noted that the “Our Father,” line by line, teaches us to ask for things in the right order. It prioritizes our relationship with God and our spiritual needs over our material desires.
So let’s get into it, breaking down the “Our Father” line by line:
1. Our Father Who Art in Heaven
God is our loving Father, not a distant taskmaster. Approach Him with trust and confidence, knowing you are His beloved child.
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2. Hallowed Be Thy Name
Begin prayer by praising God. Make honoring Him your first priority before bringing your own needs.
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3. Thy Kingdom Come
Desire Christ’s reign in all things, committing yourself to building His Kingdom daily.
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4. Thy Will Be Done
Accept God’s will, even when it means facing challenges. This profound submission is exemplified by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
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5. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
This petition asks for both our material needs and the Eucharist, which is the true sustenance for our souls.
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6. Forgive Us Our Trespasses
We ask for forgiveness as we forgive others. Unforgiveness can block our relationship with God.
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7. Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil
Recognize our dependence on God for overcoming sin and trust in Christ’s power over evil.
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Additional Resources
Find more great Catholic prayer guides here on our blog. And don’t forget to sign up for our monthly rosary!
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