By Fr. Mike Schmitz
When discussing the mass and true worship, nothing is more significant than what I’m about to share.
If understood deeply, it has the power to change your life, your spiritual life, and your eternity.
The Problem with Watching and Not Living
Let’s dive in. Personally, I’ve never enjoyed watching sports or understood wearing someone else’s jersey or celebrating others’ achievements. This mindset extends beyond sports to how many live, watching others at concerts, games, or on social media, becoming spectators of others’ lives rather than engaging in our own.
Unfortunately, this spectator mentality often carries over to how we attend Mass. Conditioned to sit quietly and observe, we fail to actively participate. This passive approach misses the essence of Mass.
The Meaning of Worship
Many see worship as a means to be entertained or inspired, critiquing the homily or music based on personal feelings. True worship, however, isn’t about us; it’s about honoring God through our sacrifices and presence.
Understanding True Worship
At the heart of religion is worship, and at its core is sacrifice. Worship isn’t about receiving; it’s about giving profoundly to God. The ancient Jewish Passover illustrates this, where families sacrificed something loved and valuable (their lamb) to God, completing the sacrifice by pouring the lamb’s blood on the altar.
The Mass: A Remembrance of Christ’s Sacrifice
In the Mass, we offer God Himself as our sacrifice, highlighting the Eucharist as Christ’s ultimate act of worship instituted before His betrayal. This is the worship and sacrifice every Christian has observed for centuries.
Changing Our Approach to Mass And Embracing True Worship
When we attend Mass, we should see it not as a spectacle but as a sacrifice to actively participate in. Worship is about giving God our hearts, prayers, and lives.
Recognize the liberating truth: during Mass, it’s about God, not ourselves. This shift frees us from self-preoccupation, focusing entirely on God in true worship.
God shows us how He wants to be worshiped—through Mass and the Eucharist. When we offer what He asks, we express our genuine love. This sacrificial giving is the heart of worship.
Let’s approach Mass ready to offer our hearts and lives in true devotion and love for God.
Additional Resources
Read more from Fr. Mike Schmitz here or delve into his talks from SEEK24 on our Youtube page.