Confession isn’t just about listing mistakes—it’s an incredible opportunity for grace, healing, and a fresh start. Through this sacrament, we receive God’s forgiveness and the chance to reset our spiritual journey.
But what makes Confession such a powerful experience? How does it truly transform our hearts and lives?
Let’s dive in and explore why this sacrament is such a game-changer.
Repentance is key to the Christian life. In Scripture, “repent” (metanoia) means to “turn around” or “turn back.” It’s all about turning away from sin and back toward Christ. The Church calls it a deep reorientation of our lives, moving away from evil and toward God with our whole heart (CCC 1431).
Repentance keeps us close to God, and it’s not just a one-time thing—it’s a lifelong practice. We’re called to “rend our hearts” (Joel 2:13), meaning to look within, clear out the sins—big or small—that don’t belong, like grudges, pride, or envy.
But what holds us back from true repentance? Let’s explore three key obstacles.
Three Obstacles to Repentance
1. Rationalization: I Don’t Need to Repent
We might not think we have much to repent for, especially in a culture that blurs moral lines. It’s easy to convince ourselves that we’re doing fine compared to others. However, God doesn’t grade on a curve. When we sense we’ve done something wrong or are acting against Jesus and Church teachings, the next step is to repent: admit our fault, trust in God’s mercy, and seek to change our behavior rather than rationalize our sins.
Check out our blog post “The Confession FAQ You’ve Always Wanted” where we ask priests around the country the answers to some of the most asked questions when it comes to confession.
2. Fear of Repenting: I Don’t Want to Change!
We may fear letting go of certain sins, like St. Augustine, who prayed, “Lord, give me chastity… only not yet!” We might worry life will be less enjoyable or about others’ opinions. But as Augustine found, God’s will gives us the strength to not simply change, but to desire change and understand it as good.
3. Despair: I Can’t Be Forgiven
We may feel trapped in sin, thinking change is impossible. Like Augustine, we may believe we need to fix ourselves before turning to God. But Jesus asks us to trust Him, not be ashamed, and let Him transform us. No sin is too great for God’s infinite mercy.
A key step in true repentance is the sacrament of confession. For many Catholics, it’s an incredibly freeing and life-giving experience, allowing them to release the weight of sin and guilt to God.
Need a quick breakdown of how confession works? Check out our guide to learn the basics of the sacrament.
The sacrament of reconciliation (confession) was instituted by Christ as the place to address our sins. Jesus gave His Apostles the authority to forgive sins (Jn 20:22-23), and priests today act as instruments of God’s mercy. Just as God worked through leaders like Moses and Elijah, He now works through priests in confession to forgive sins.
But why did Jesus set it up this way instead of simply having us pray to God? Why involve a priest?
Confessing to a priest forces us to face our sins more deeply. Hearing the words, “Your sins are forgiven,” provides reassurance and renewal. Regular confession also brings healing and grace, helping us overcome our weaknesses. Jesus invites you to experience His forgiveness and healing through this sacrament.
Jesus doesn’t want you trapped in sin. He has a great plan for you. Don’t let your sins hold you back—come to confession and receive his forgiveness, healing, and grace.
Be ashamed when you sin. Do not be ashamed when you repent. –St. John Chrysostom
Take Action
If you haven’t been to confession in a while, consider how you could partake of this sacrament soon. When is confession offered at a parish close to you? How might you need to prepare?
Feel free to reach out to a priest if you would feel more comfortable talking with someone before you go. You can also ask a friend to help you prepare and go with you.
Look up a good examination of conscience to help you prepare beforehand. Check out the resources we linked below for some suggestions!
Additional Resources
Check out FOCUS’s curated list of examinations of conscience for your next trip to confession.
Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. is here to help you make a great confession! Watch his talk from SEEK to learn a full breakdown of the Sacrament.
Need more convincing? Listen to Sr. Mary Grace, S.V., share how Jesus wants to save you from your sins.
Forgiveness is yours to receive freely from Christ; you just have to let him. Learn how to let Jesus forgive you from Fr. Mike’s keynote at SEEK.
Want to learn more about the Catholic sacraments? Check out these posts from our blog: “Fr. Mike Schmitz: ‘Pray The Mass Like Never Before,’” “The Confession FAQ You’ve Always Wanted,” and “Why Do Catholics Go to Adoration?”