Join Digital Outreach

Do you want to grow as a disciple of Jesus but you don’t have FOCUS on your campus? FOCUS Digital Outreach is here for you! The Digital Outreach Team is made up of FOCUS missionaries who accompany, invest, and coach students on campuses without FOCUS missionaries present. Through digital discipleship groups and 1 on 1 accompaniment, our Digital Outreach Missionaries are here to walk with you as you continue to grow as a missionary disciple. We want to support you as you deepen your intimacy with the Lord, and coach you as you go on mission on your campus. So connect with us today as we strive to know Christ Jesus and make Him known!

Contact [email protected] with questions.

Want prayers? Help with your big questions? Or just want to talk and be listened to?

That’s why we’re here. Let’s meet up sometime.

10 Ways to Evangelize: It’s Easier Than You Think

The Moment I Realized I Needed Jesus

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From the Blog


Cool Saint Names for Your Baby: Catholic Baby Names

We live in a time where baby names like “Maverick” or “Blue” are stealing the...

What You Shouldn’t Give Up for Lent (and Why)

Lent is traditionally a time of sacrifice and abstention. But what if we chose not...
Grow in faith as an athlete

Varsity Catholic

Fire up your faith

SEEK Conference

Energize your prayer

Spiritual impact retreat

Be Greek. Be Catholic.

Focus Greek

Go on a mission trip.

It’s an adventure. It’s a faith experience. And we plan the whole trip for you! Encounter Christ in new people and make incredible memories.

Resources for you.

Want to dig more into the Catholic life? Or lead a Bible study? We got you covered. Look here to find what you need.
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Our deepest hungers are not for food and drink, not for amusements and recreations, not for property and wardrobes, not for notoriety and gossip. We hunger for truth, we thirst to drink beauty, we yearn to celebrate, we stretch out to love and be loved. This is why anything less than everything is not enough.

- Father Thomas Dubay
FOCUS Students Get Involved Mobile

Get involved.

St. John Paul II said it best: “Life in Christ is a wonderful adventure.” Explore all the opportunities we have for you!

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